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Yoga World Record Of Longest Time To Hold Vibhakta Paschimottanasana- Ku.Payal Gopal Nemade

The World Record of " Longest Time To Hold Vibhakta Paschimottanasana "is Achieved by Ku.Payal Gopal Nemade. She Held Herself In Vibhakta Paschimottanasana For "1 Minute 53 Seconds" On "10 Dec 2022" At "Amravati, Maharashtra, India" And Entered Her Name In The International Yoga Book Of Records On 16 December 2022 By Breaking The Previous World Record Of 1 Minute 47 Seconds.

Yoga World Record Of Longest Time To Hold Vibhakta Paschimottanasana- Ku.Payal Gopal Nemade
Yoga World Record Of Longest Time To Hold Vibhakta Paschimottanasana- Ku.Payal Gopal Nemade

What is Vibhakta Paschimottanasana? Vibhakta Paschimottanasana is Another advanced form in which legs are stretched outwards on their respective sides opening the groin area completely. Hands touch the foot of respective sides while the upper body is leaning forward. #Worldrecord #Yogaworldrecord #Yogaworldrecordbook #Internationalyogabookofrecords #internationalrecord


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Innovator Pramod Stephen
Innovator Pramod Stephen

Eating Art Is Yoga

We see that every part of the world increasing metabolic disorders every day and all medicines and substitutes fail to cure it. We try to control it through physical activities yoga burning carbohydrates and strengthening the endocranial glands but till now we have not thought about the art of eating and drinking. Till now we have not found the root cause of metabolic disorders. My definitions for metabolic disorders are: - Metabolic disorders are clinical syndromes due to less chewing food materials, water and liquids.  

We are not ill because we have fewer food items, but because we have changed our way of thinking, living, sleeping, eating and drinking, so we must correct it. Healthy eating habits protect…

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